Quitting is a funny word. To quit: 1. To depart from; leave: "You and I are on the point of quitting the theater of our exploits" (Horatio Nelson). 2. To leave the company of: had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight. 3. To give up; relinquish: quit a job. 4. To abandon or put aside; forsake: advised them to quit their dissipated ways. 5. To cease or discontinue: asked them to quit talking; quit smoking. 6. Computer Science To exit (an application). Now, quitting as easy as it sounds is difficult to say the least. Now depending on what you are quitting should dictated the level of difficulty. Top Ten Most Popular Addictions in America Posted on 12/24/2007 2:54:55 PM in #Health | 11 comments comments If there’s anything America is known for, its indulgences, and what says “indulgence” better than addiction. Below you can find the top 10 most popular addictions in Am...
Baaaddd... took me a min. to find the girl.... Baaddd