
Quitting is a funny word.

To quit:

1. To depart from; leave: "You and I are on the point of quitting the theater of our exploits" (Horatio Nelson).
2. To leave the company of: had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight.
3. To give up; relinquish: quit a job.
4. To abandon or put aside; forsake: advised them to quit their dissipated ways.
5. To cease or discontinue: asked them to quit talking; quit smoking.
6. Computer Science To exit (an application).

Now, quitting as easy as it sounds is difficult to say the least. Now depending on what you are quitting should dictated the level of difficulty. 

Top Ten Most Popular Addictions in America

Posted on 12/24/2007 2:54:55 PM in #Health | 11 comments comments

If there’s anything America is known for, its indulgences, and what says “indulgence” better than addiction. Below you can find the top 10 most popular addictions in America. Check back atwww.careflorida.com next month for the newest round of surveys!

1. Methamphetamine - Methamphetamine or “crystal meth” is the most potent type of amphetamine available today. Nearly all of the country’s "crystal meth" is home made and have stimulant properties similar to that of adrenaline. A synthetic drug, methamphetamine is extremely addictive. A large percentage of the drug rehab population in the past few years has been addicted to “crystal meth.”

2. Crack and Cocaine - Cocaine, the most powerful stimulant of natural origin, is extracted from the leaves of the coca plant. Crack, the freebase form of cocaine, derives its name from the crackling sound made during production. Crack became popular in the mid-1980s because of its immediate high and its inexpensive production cost. Cocaine and Crack are both very addictive and very dangerous substances that can cause permanent physical damage. A very large percentage of the drug rehaband addiction treatment center population is addicted to cocaine or crack.

3. Marijuana – The active ingredient in marijuana is THC, which is responsible for the potency and effects of marijuana. Research indicates marijuana is psychologically addictive but not chemically addictive to the same extent as tobacco, alcohol or other drugs.

4. Opium & Heroin – Heroin was first synthesized in the late 1800s from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seedpod of poppy plants. Heroin is a highly addictive drug and is considered the most abused and most rapidly acting opiate. Chronic heroin use can lead to medical consequences such as collapsed veins, bacterial infections, abscesses and other soft-tissue infections, and liver or kidney disease. Poor health conditions and depressed respiration from heroin use can cause lung complications, including various types of pneumonia and tuberculosis.drug detox for heroin is typically more intense than for other substances.

5. Alcohol – Alcohol is a depressant that effects people in different ways - the drug relaxes some people, others lose their inhibitions, while many make decisions they come to regret. Although alcohol is legal, it is still a very powerful and addictive drug. In more cases than we know about, alcohol has proven to be the principle agent in many driving fatalities. When alcohol use becomes alcohol abuse a number of tangible factors will become apparent. Initially, one begins to think about their next drink, to be followed by an obsession over the next drink, to be followed by continuous cravings for more alcohol. The cycle of this disease is described as progressive, chronic and if left untreated, fatal. Many drug detox clinics also offer alcohol detox and alcohol rehab treatment.

6. Caffeine - Caffeine is highly addictive. Quitting coffee can cause withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, sleepiness and irritability. The acidic nature of coffee can lead to stomach ulcers. An acute overdose of caffeine, usually in excess of 400 milligrams (more than 3–4 cups of brewed coffee), can result in a state of central nervous system over stimulation called caffeine intoxication. The symptoms of caffeine intoxication are not unlike overdoses of other stimulants. It may include restlessness, nervousness, excitement, insomnia, flushing of the face, increased urination, gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, a rambling flow of thought and speech, irritability, irregular or rapid heartbeat, and psychomotor agitation.

7. Tobacco – A chemical found in tobacco, Nicotine is a powerful, addictive stimulant and is one of the main factors leading to the continued tobacco smoking. Although the percentage of the nicotine inhaled with tobacco smoke is quite small, it is still sufficient to cause physical and/or psychological dependence.

8. Prescription Drugs- Over the last few years, the number of prescription drug abusers in drug rehab has escalated dramatically. With easy access through the Internet, more people than ever are able to purchase these addictive medications with little or no scrutiny. Many of people addicted to prescription medications started to abuse these drugs after their physician wrote a legitimate prescription for them. 

Copyright 2009, TransWorldNews , Inc. All Rights Reserved. 

If you read all that (which im sure you did) you'll see that "nicotine" is #7 on the list. so I'm just a big fat pussy for having such a hard time. In my defense it is now day 7 and i still have not "smoked a cigarette," but i have been chewing nicotine gum like nobody's business. I would tell you how much but... it's none of your business!! I just hope that one of these days i will not need to chew gum or smoke cigarettes or type any of these long useless blogs to keep myself otherwise occupied for for the time being i apologize and i hope we can all get through this together.

- Capt'n Punc.


  1. Type long posts? All I see is a copy paste project.

    Keep at it. Just think of all the toys you can buy with the money you will save.

  2. next time i will just re-write everything and you'll never know!!!


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