Quitting is a funny word. To quit: 1. To depart from; leave: "You and I are on the point of quitting the theater of our exploits" (Horatio Nelson). 2. To leave the company of: had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight. 3. To give up; relinquish: quit a job. 4. To abandon or put aside; forsake: advised them to quit their dissipated ways. 5. To cease or discontinue: asked them to quit talking; quit smoking. 6. Computer Science To exit (an application). Now, quitting as easy as it sounds is difficult to say the least. Now depending on what you are quitting should dictated the level of difficulty. Top Ten Most Popular Addictions in America Posted on 12/24/2007 2:54:55 PM in #Health | 11 comments comments If there’s anything America is known for, its indulgences, and what says “indulgence” better than addiction. Below you can find the top 10 most popular addictions in Am...
Maybe Biblio can help us with this...
ReplyDeleteI know the scripting necessary, not very complicated, just need to add - target="blank" - in the html line after the url BUT!! I changed all the links on our page to reflect this, it worked, I closed the screen, came back, and then it reverted to the original. If you can find a way to save the information after editing a specific element or script then I can change all of them...
Still searching for the global change that will allow all future posts to reflect this script.
Let me know what we come up with.
sry, typo...
ReplyDeletemeant to write
I added the global tag but I don't like how every link opens a new window. Try it out a bit and let me know if you like it. We should be able to add the parameter one link at a time in each post as well.
ReplyDeleteone link would work just fine.... first things forts. Thank You. anyway, one link would be fine , my only concern was leaving the blog. navagationg within the blog doesnt warrant a new window, in my opinion, but clicking links to other websites or blogs or what have you should be seperate so you dont always leave and once youve seen what you wanted to see you can go back to your business by simply closing a window and your right where you left off. i dont know if thats possible that just what i had in mind.
ReplyDeleteI put it back the way it was. I will keep looking for a way to globally set all external links to the target _blank.
ReplyDeleteTo the general public:
Don't laugh at our ineptitude. Do what we do and blame Capt'n Punc.