People watching is a great way to pass the time by yourself or with a group where everyone gets  to silently or judge people based on their appearance.  Occasionally alcohol is involved and the judging can get loud…..and funny.  I noticed that we would frequently see the same thing over and over again.  We were more likely to see different patterns depending on the venue.  Disneyland, for example, always had a couple of Goths running around; there was always some kid being forced onto a ride when they were clearly terrified; and my favorite, there was always a group flag (generally held by an Asian guy).  Sure, stereotypes were reinforced and we are definitely horrible people for pointing and laughing but hey, it's entertaining.

Naturally we needed to make a game out of it.  Being the nerdy geek that I am, I felt compelled to create tool that would allow me to easily randomize the bingo squares and quickly switch between topics.  One night at the computer and a bottle of wine produced this.

Happy hunting!



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