
"So, I need to learn golf."  Those words started something.  Apparently getting a sales job requires one to learn golf so that one doesn't make a fool of oneself whilst trying to make a sale on the course.  

We started to meet early on Saturday mornings a the local public par 3 course designed for practice.  Figuring that practice on the small course would lead to less embarrassment on the larger courses.  This has proven somewhat true....but only just.  More on that later. 

Grocery store visits included popping into the Goodwill store to see if I could find anything useful and well within by limited allowed budget.  My bag started to fill with a random assortment of $3 clubs allowing me to test different styles on the cheap. I eventually found an almost complete set of wedges and a new-to-me bag that finally allowed me to feel like I wasn't borrowing my child's clubs.   

Since we started playing I've bought various secondhand clubs, built a backyard chipping game to practice, bought recycled balls off Amazon, acquired at least two clubs that Bibliowife doesn't know about, skipped out of work early for a quick 9, and lookup way too many YouTube videos on how to chip, drive, properly take a divot, and regrip clubs.  You could say that I've been bitten by the golf bug. I've only been on the big boy courses twice and I'm eager for the next round.  

Today, Bibliokid2 and I played a local par 3ish 18 hole executive course.  This course was a lot different than the learning course I was used to.  Had to hit over the water, uphill, narrow fairways, and challenging greens.  Not the most well maintained course but I loved it.  Got to spend time with the boy and launch a ball into air not knowing where it will end up, or if we will even find it... 

This kid can't hit the ball straight to save his life, until we were joined by another golfer.  This gentleman saw the boy swing once and just made one suggestion.  The kid then proceeds to hit the straightest drive directly onto the green. Keep in mind that I made the exact same suggestion moments before but I guess I was speaking a different language.   

I performed fairly well except for the holes where I had to use my driver.  Topped the first one and thoroughly entertained the kid on the second.  The longest hole on this course is a par 4 with a very narrow fairway and the edge of the course on the left hand side.  I line up, swing confidently, and send the ball directly into the tree on the right about 40 yards down the fairway.  Being the consummate professionals that we are, I tee up a second ball.  This time I swing with less force and an adjusted aim.  The club strikes the ball solid and flies off the club face with gusto, right into the tree on the right 60 yards down the fairway bouncing back to stop within 4 feet of the first ball.  Bibliokid2 found this to be the funniest thing he has seen all month and felt obligated to make all manner of comments about my apparent skill, never mind that fact that he had just hit two balls WIDE left out of bounds....out of the course and into the transmission towers that lined the property.  
Looking forward to the next opportunity to play a full size course and work on hitting my driver straight...ish.  Might take the kid with me, if he can keep his comments to himself.



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