
Showing posts from January, 2010


it all started with the Think Geek link that Andy "fixed". Buckyballs apeared and found my way to YouTube. now im here (once again i've stopped punctuating) and i start seeing video on magnetic generators. these generators can supposedly creat energy from permanent magnets. so the first website i click on wants me to buy something. i try to leave... and it wont let me. finally i get away and make my way to a new site. The Sealy Effect. this guy claims, by using certain rare metals, he can collect free electrons from the atmosphere and, with the help of some other metals and magnets, creat this multi-laye generator that will produce energy or torque (twisting motion). for every website i find, i find one that calls it a hoax. im reading previosly classified documents, watching videos, and reading comments from god knows who. so two hours later i've learned nothing about magnetic generators or buckyballs... in short I HATE THE INTERNET.

To the whiney lady at the bar last week.

OK I get it; you’ve been waiting to place your order. I know that I have been helping the cocktail servers, dinner servers and the manager, ignoring you in the process. I apologize that I helped the person closest to me after making 15 drinks for a table in the restaurant, I was not aware that you arrived before he did. I understand that the other bartender has ignored you as well because he is stuck at the other end of the bar where 10 other people are shouting at him. I’m sorry it has taken me 5 minutes to get to you, even though the first thing out of your cake hole was “I’ve been waiting for 15 minutes and you helped that other….yadda yadda…” But…..if you are going to bitch and moan about me being busy and wasting your time on your friends birthday when it’s your turn to buy rounds, you had better make damn sure that you know what you want to when I ask. I even apologized to you while sliding that square paper napkin in that magical spinning fashion to rest just below your seco...

Sleep talking....

Remember those stories from Dad where he would talk to CaptnPunc while he was alseep and get all kinds of information from him? Apparently this guy has a serious problem with talking in his sleep. His wife, being a slight insomniac that she is and possessing a healthy sense of humor, started to record these nightly ravings, posting them in the intarweb for us all to share. The blog of The Sleep Talkin' Man Some of my favorites: "Oompa loompas don't sing in heaven. They tidy up the clouds." "Please just walk away. I don't want to have to stand here and say something so awesome that I'll have to remember it the rest of the day. Thank you!" and "Flap's on fire. Your flap's on fire! Chili in the vagiiiiina. I'm a bad bad boy." Wife note: you guys have to image "chilli in the vagina" in a child's sing-song cadence. Creeeeepy

Children of the 90s:Card games

Some nice call backs on this site: Click here notice the last comment (actually the one from 1/10 11:17) and marvel at person who wants to join in conversation but has nothing to actually say.

Warning - Rant ahead...

You would think that people who work for a company as large as mine, that is responsible for million dollar budgets and thousands of jobs, could at least show up for a meeting on time. I have 12+ meetings throughout the week and have to rely on the short amount of time in between each one to get any actual work done, yet I am still the first person to just about every meeting. At this very moment I am waiting for a meeting to start and it is now 8 minutes past the start time. This wouldn’t be that big of a deal if we used remote tools like audio and/or web conferencing tools so that I can stay at my desk and continue working (read tramping through dungeon levels) while waiting for these yahoos to show up but apparently they find some kind of amusement in doing the last dash to find a conference room and oh by the way we need a projector too. In my complex we have 5 buildings, 12 conference rooms (that I know of) and about 250 people. The rooms are almost always booked every day, b...