Yet Another Stupid Golf Shot (YASGS!)

Everyone knows that no good drive goes unpunished.  We all top the ball, chunk it, blade it, and occasionally hit the ball so pure it brings a tear to your eye. But, at least once a round there is one shot/putt that sticks in you brain well after the 18th hole.  Sometimes, it's the shot that brings you back. Often it's the shot that you can't believe you missed, with witnesses.  

This is an attempt to chronicle both the good and the bad.
  • 140ish yard par 3 - The greenskeeper was working on the green-side bunker and waved us up while sheltering under a tree.  Finally hit my iron like I was supposed to: ball first, smooth swing, didn't even feel the impact, perfect ball flight, and stuck the green 3 feet from the pin.  Had a little hop in my step as I walked up to the green, got a high five from the greenskeeper and a "nice shot".....missed the putt.  He could only shake his head and smile as he went back to work without a word.
  • Had a Solo round early in the morning on of the first to tee-off. Driver and I were miss-communicating all morning, I wanted to hit it straight, he insisted on an adult-fade.  By hole 15 I stated to over correct and pulled the drive left towards the only water on the course.  Ended up safe....ish but behind some trees and seemingly could only punch out back to the fairway.  I let the frustration get to me and said "screw it, I'll go over".  Took out my 8 iron, no practice swing, and launched it higher than I thought possible landing on the left edge.  No witnesses.  The rest of the round didn't matter.
Any other examples?


  1. First time out golfing with one of my employees.. I wasn't nervous, but I think there is something inside of us all that remembers the times we hit the best golf shots ever and all we need to do is show this guy how well we can smash it. That did not work out well. My claim to fame for the day was three hosel shanks in a row with an increasingly higher lifted club as I got closer to the green. After shot five out of the bunker flew the green out to the right, I simply walked over and picked up my ball. I did not have enough buttons on Grint to portray the round that left me short, right, behind a tree, in a bunker, skull, hosel shank and a pickup. So many shots for 160 yards. I collected a lot of negative chips that day.

  2. Good day with the driver but couldn't hit an iron without chunking it. I struggled all day until 18. After striping it down the left side of the fairway, I had about 160 left to the green. There's a large tree that overhangs the left side of the green but I should avoid it if I keep it a little low, which I had been doing all day by hitting the big ball before the little ball. Not this time. Struck it pure for the first time all day, high flight juussst right of the tree heading towards the middle of the green. Only to hit the tip of the single solitary branch that extended over the fairway. The ball dropped straight down and I swear I heard a squirrel laughing at me.

  3. Played well today. The course was windy, especially above the tree line. I was hitting two clubs short on a regular basis, so adjustments needed to be made.
    Striped a drive down the middle of the fairway and leaving FCJ and I similar shots to the green. As per usual when we have similar shots, closest to the green wins a dollar. Slightly elevated green plus the wind factor, I was contemplating clubbing up one or two to make sure that I was near the back pin.
    FCJ hits the best shot of the day and looked like he was within 5 feet (was really 15 but it looked closer). I decided to only club up one club and took the perfect swing. High flight, right in line with the pin, a little too far and....then....boiiing!
    The ball launched straight up in the 40 feet, bouncing over the cart path and onto the adjacent tee box.
    I'm still not sure if it hit the sprinkler head that was on the fringe or the cart path that was, in my opinion, too close to the edge. Lucky I didn't go up two clubs...


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