What Happes at the Bar Stays on the Page

Our weeklyish meetings at our local whiskying hole are usually peppered with great moments.  These moments of genius/stupidity/drunkeness are often referenced, sometimes forgotten, and always cherished.  I wanted to see if we can keep a more comprehensive list of events/quotes on this page. Feel free to add them as they are remembered.

Things we have done
Managed to get a flying toy stuck in a tree
Managed to retrieve flying toy from a tree
Managed to get a shoe stuck in a tree
Bibliotender accused FCJ of necrophilia
Many veiled spoiler conversations about the Dresdenverse
Conducted an accidental "Clan" meeting
Stayed waaay past our welcome
Bibliotender tends to wash his own glasses at the end of the night
Accused each and every cocktail server of not doing their job because they didn't sit down with us
Enjoyed an evening with Uncle Tom (Nobody knew who he was)
Captn frequently disappears to join another group of people who happen to also be on the patio
Introduced ourselves using a variety of fake names (Captain Fuzzypants being the most frequent)
Been known to sit outside in the rain
Created stimulating imagery through creative imagery (Sasquatch wading through a peroxide factory)
Forced an old man to join us for the evening because he could stand up
Helped a poor soul put on his jacket
Held comprehensive debates over the philosophy of Doctor Who
Showed up a few hours earlier than normal and managed to insult the new server who wasn't aware of our asshole status
Creeped out the cocktail server to the point where she didn't want to bring my drink.
Stopped by to finish a drink for someone and promptly left
Participated in a rousing round robin game of Name-a-Movie
Stolen and smoked an unattended cigar
Had a lively discussion on the differences between Muppet, Puppet, Marionette, and Animatronics
Played drunken cribbage while attempting to explain the rules

Things that have been said
FCJ ~ "So then, loosely translated, the word 'Smithereens' means fiery flying lady bits?"

Biblio ~"Imagine Sasquatch breaking into a peroxide factory and wading waist deep through the vats..."

FCJ ~ "Now, Snuffleupagus, he could've built the ark"

Cap't Punc. ~ "There's nothing like boob in your mouth"

Cap't Punc. ~ "That's dangerous, Darkwing Duck dangerous stuff....."

Cap't Punc. ~ "Lineagy..." 
Biblio ~ "Lineagy?" 
Cap't Punc. ~ "Yeah, lineagy: Rife with lineage."

Cap't Punc ~ "You reiterated my rhetorica"


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