Moving Out...
It's interesting, the things one finds while cleaning out their room to get ready for a move. For one, the girlfriend probably had more clothes and nik-nacs than I; for two, I didn't really grasp how many godamn hangers I have in my closet... The one thing in particular that got me was a little ceramic jar with a lid on it. It is dark blue and has a Bank of Hawaii logo on it. When I found it, it was wrapped in a clear plastic and tied at the top with twine, similar to a present. It took me a second to remember where it had come from and the story behind it... goes back to my management training days and the last class that I had of my program. Inside is said to contain a puzzle piece, an eraser topper (plain pink), a highlighter, a rubber band, two paperclips, a bandaid, a piece of twine, and something else. The erase to remind us that when we make mistakes we can try to go back and fix them. the puzzle piece because we are all part of a bigger picture and have our own way of f...