... I know, I know... You have been doing this job for seven years. I know that none of the five locations that you have worked at in those seven years have respected you enough to want to keep you for any extended period of time. I know that when you complain constantly no one, for some inexplicable reason, gives you the time of day anymore. I know that the managers should never ever ever ever ask anyone to move their desk because of the job function that they hold and the fact that it would be better for the branch to operate at optimal levels (who wants that anyways). And I known that anyone younger than you should never ever know more than you. It's just that, well, no one likes you. I will try to put this as nicely as I possibly can: You are a bitch and everyone around you is tired of it. Please learn that when someone is on the phone with a customer in front of them the fact that your printer isn't set up correctly is not my problem until after they leave. Please learn th...