
Showing posts from December, 2013


There is a new-ish addition to some theme park rides that takes the boredom away from sitting a ride out. The large raft rides that are popular at many theme parks are now accompanied by water cannons strategically placed along the raft route.  Now the younger sibling that are on the smaller side of tiny have the ability to get in on the action without the need to meet the height requirement, soaking the unsuspecting riders with a blast of chilly water; all for the price of a single quarter.  More often than not, parents are found at these lovely machines eagerly waiting to dish out some payback.  I've sat back and watched a few of these over eager parents and they all have the same first experience. Gleefully jamming a quarter into the water cannon, hands hovering over the button, eyes straining to get a glimpse of the telltale black hoodie indicating that my child is in the boat that just plummeted down the ramp, frustration felt after the realization that the boa...

....wiping tears away

I often find my self at the computer late at night, unable to sleep wandering thought the endless corners of the internet.  Now it may be the number of martinis consumed but I found this incredibly amusing. So much so, that I just about fell out my seat laughing.   Inappropriate? Yes. Funny? Yes.  Safe for work? Yes as Long as you don't try to explain it....