Three day vacations inspire me to do nothing, especially considering the rarity of having even two days in a row off. So, being the lazy bum I am, I spent that time mainly watching movies. The new subscription to NETFLIX helped tremendously, giving me access to thousands of movies online and recommending the shitty ones to me regularly. There's no telling what you'll find once you begin your online search, but, based on my personal movie habits and ratings and such, it suggested Drunken Master. I have not seen this movie probably since I was ten and I realized that I had never really watched it all the way through, or bothered to get that into it. It really is a good movie! My one main criticism is the dubbing... Jackie Chan whines the entire movie and I prefer subtitles any day. What I wanted to mention, though, is that I think Karate Kid stole a lot of it's plot from Drunken Master. A disturbed teenager learns to become a better person and change his life through the use ...